
They Broke Blind, Pregnant Dog’s Front Legs & Abandoned Her In The Mountains

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Luna was found in the mountains, with fractures on her two front legs. Rescuers believe that a cruel person intentionally abused her and then abandoned her to fend for herself.

Fortunately, Viktor Larkhill and his team of rescuers agreed to take her after people found her and sent them photos. Once they saw the photos, they were absolutely heartbroken and knew they had to help.

While the abuse she endured was already a tragedy, rescuers felt even worse when they learned that Luna was blind and pregnant!

They brought her to their clinic and she remained in intensive care and received treatment for months.

Luna was very cooperative and allowed vets to perform whatever they needed to do on her to help her get better. Eye doctors were even able to restore vision in one of her eyes with surgery!

Despite the pain she endured at the hands of evil humans, she was still very trusting and friendly toward everyone she met.

After she was fully recovered, she was adopted by a loving family!

Watch her rescue and transformation in the video below:

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